You Died Yesterday - Anti-Aging Cell repair

Western Reserve Area On Aging - You Died Yesterday - Anti-Aging Cell repair.
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Do you know about - You Died Yesterday - Anti-Aging Cell repair

Western Reserve Area On Aging! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

That's right you died yesterday and today and hopefully tomorrow. Millions of the estimated 10-100 trillion cells in your body die and are substituted every day. The human body is of course an anti-aging regenerating machine. So what goes wrong in the rejuvenating process and how much of it are you of course getting right?

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How is You Died Yesterday - Anti-Aging Cell repair

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Western Reserve Area On Aging.

1. You're Only As Good as Your Last Cell

Dna damage is the terrorist living inside you and oxidation is its weapon of mass destruction. Your cells work hard to heal Dna damage but as we see from the rapid proliferation of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's, oxidation is winning the war. Dna damage leads to cell death, mutations and malignancies. If your diet isn't high in antioxidants, the new cells you're generating every day are likely already damaged. The good news is that getting your antioxidants is easy. Make sure your diet includes foods such as berries, tomatoes, garlic, broccoli and green tea. But don't try to win the battle with food alone; supplements are effortlessly available.

2. Blame it on Genotoxic Stress

Studies at the Tokyo medical and Dental University in Japan point to Dna damage caused by toxins in our homes, cleaning agents, office buildings, food, water and environment as the main cause of cell aging. Toxic overloaded cell lose their potential replicate wholesome new cells. Go green for the sake of the planet and your, as yet unborn, cells. Buy organic food and skin care products, drink only filtered water and get fullness of fresh air. Reducing your carbon footprint will anti-age your cells.

3. You Are What You Eat

Never a truer statement because those millions of dying cells are constantly being substituted by new cells. Your regeneration of you is only as good as what nourishment is available to the next million cells. Fresh, organic foods that still possess the vital life force will build healthy, strong cells; not so for a diet rich in potato chips and soda. Before you take that next bite, perceive that the potential of the food is creating the potential of your new cells. Eat wisely.

4. Science Will Not Rebuild You

If you're living with the attitude that science will replace your worn parts with synthetic organs and limbs, wake up. The bionic man was only a Tv series. Today, scientists have found the best medicine isn't practiced in the plastics facility but in our own bodies. Even the U.S. Military has given up on the million man army and recently granted Avita medical nearly million to its cell harvesting explore efforts. While stem cell explore gets all the press, you have the potential to regenerate your own cells just by changing a few worn out habits.

5. Lights Out

Go to sleep for super charged cell repair. Researchers at Case Western keep University in Cleveland have found that participants who had shorter sleep periods were more prone to disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, impaired immune systems, damaged blood vessels and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Scientists already know that the link in the middle of poor sleep habits and obesity is the body's way of trying to replace denied cell heal time with fuel. As we age, sleep can elude us and factors such as pain, worry, and menopause can greatly interfere with our potential to sleep. Steer clear of drug-laced sleeping pills. Try natural aids such as melatonin, Valerian, 5-Htp and passionflower.

Anti-aging your cells is the easiest thing you probably aren't doing enough of. Make sure every one of your days is green, fresh, organic and well rested. A million cells are counting on you.

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