Help Heal Yourself With Guided Visualization

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Hospice Of The Western Reserve Cleveland Ohio! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

My first introduction to imagery was during the time when Marek experienced complications after his j pouch/temp illeostomy operation.

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How is Help Heal Yourself With Guided Visualization

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Hospice Of The Western Reserve Cleveland Ohio.

Marek insisted I read a book he had called Piece of Mind, by Sandy Mc Gregor. I was something of a skeptic, but prepared to try anything. I read the book and was inspired to join Marek in a joint imagery and visualization exercise. Marek was convinced that the stitching inside of him was poor quality and had come undone. In our visualization, we imagined hundreds of thousands, millions even, of tiny little us, dressed in overalls, and armed with welders. It was an army of ann-marie's and marek's and we went to work welding the j pouch securely in place.

Marek received enormous relief after doing this exercise and felt like he had taken care of things almost. We continued this visualization exercise over the next few days till he recovered and was out of the woods.

It wasn't a technique that we used by the time the liver was getting sick, and I don't recall now why. Back then, it was a reactive thing, and not something I made a priority in my life.
These days I would recommend a form of visulisation daily, not only for the one on the transplant list, but also for the family and loved ones that are on this journey with you.

I couldn't find any research with guided imagery and transplant patients specifically, but imagery had been found to be very effective for the treatment of stress.

Imagery is at the center of relaxation techniques designed to release brain chemicals that act as your body's natural brain tranquilizers, lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels. By and large, researchers find that these techniques work.

Researchers at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio found that people with cancer who used imagery while receiving chemotherapy felt more relaxed, better prepared for their treatment and more positive about care than those who didn't use the technique.

Several studies suggest that imagery can also boost your immunity. Danish researchers found increased natural killer cell activity among ten college students who imagined that their immune systems were becoming very effective. Natural killer cells are an important part of the immune system because they can recognize and destroy virus-infected cells, tumor cells and other invaders.

In another small study, researchers at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Pa and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio found that seven people who suffered from recurrent canker sores in their mouths significantly reduced the frequency of their outbreaks after they began visualizing that the sores were bathed in a soothing coating of white blood cells.

At the University of South Florida in Tampa, researchers asked 19 men and women, ages 56 to 75, who had chronic bronchitis and emphysema to rate their levels of anxiety, depression, fatigue and discomfort before and after they began using imagery. The researchers concluded that imagery significantly improved the overall quality of these people's lives.
A study at Yale demonstrated that patients suffering from severe depression.

It's got to be worth a go, don't you think?

And it certainly can't hurt.

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