Can Green Tea Reduce Arthritis?

Hospice Of The Western Reserve Cleveland Ohio - Can Green Tea Reduce Arthritis?. The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Can Green Tea Reduce Arthritis?.

Do you know about - Can Green Tea Reduce Arthritis?

Hospice Of The Western Reserve Cleveland Ohio! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The answer is yes, this is a substance that has already known to have benefits in a lot of diseases. In the case of flu virus infection, the consumption of green tea induces interferon production in the body, a natural anti-viral substance produced by the body to prevent further multiplication of viruses. In the case of skin diseases, particularly those that have symptom of itch, it decreases the activity of basophilic cells, thus decrease production of bio-active proteins that cause the itch. Furthermore, it is verified that their anti-oxidants content can slow down aging. What about in the case of arthritis?

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How is Can Green Tea Reduce Arthritis?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Hospice Of The Western Reserve Cleveland Ohio.

According to a study done by a team from Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, a particular type of anti-oxidant named polyphenol present in green tea has anti-inflammatory effect. Study were done on white mice. A group of white mice was given plain water while the other green tea, after a period of time, mice of both group were injected with collagen to induce arthritis, the end result shows that 8 out of 18 mice that consumed green tea developed arthritis compared to 17 out of 18 mice than drank water. Furthermore, mice that consumed green tea had milder symptoms compared to those that only drink plain water.

If numbers and symptoms are not enough to convince you, consider the microscopic examination on joint tissues of the mice that developed arthritis. The mice that were fed with green tea, examination reveals much lower level of leukocytic infiltration compared to those that weren't. Meaning the intensity of inflammation in joints of the mice in first group was lower compare to the second group.

You may question the study and say, "the test was done on mice, no guarantee that the same effects can be observed in human!" Pardon me for not respecting your skepticism, look at the countries that consume green tea the most, nations like China, Japan, Sri Lanka, and India, the incidence rates of Rheumatoid Arthritis in those countries are much lower compared to European and North American nations, in fact, so as other forms of auto-immune diseases.

Regardless of any form of skepticism, green tea is a much cheaper and safer option compared to anti-inflammatory drugs, and definitely worth trying.

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