Art and Alzheimer's Disease

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Do you know about - Art and Alzheimer's Disease

Western Reserve Area On Aging! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The effects of this disease are often devastating. Plaques, which are abnormal mass of protein fragments, build up on the nerve cells of the brain. These amyloids inhibit the interaction in the middle of the neurons and cause the nerve cells to lose their vital connections. Eventually, as the disease progresses, dead and dying nerves form tangles, twisted strands of other proteins that added shut down the electrical communication so vital to these nerve cells. Scientists are not quite sure what causes cell death and tissue loss in the Alzheimer's brain, but plaques and tangles are prime suspects and may be responsible for causing Alzheimer's devastating ensue on the brain.

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How is Art and Alzheimer's Disease

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Scientists can study under a microscope and see the devastating effects of these continually dying cells. The brain of an Alzheimer's inpatient has much fewer nerve cells and synapses than a healthy brain. Gently the brain deprived of nourishment, shrinks and dies. Presently, there is no cure. The five medications available today can only temporarily ease Alzheimer's symptoms. Explore is underway, but drugs being industrialized to combat Alzheimer's might be some years away,

A Dose Of Great Art

Meanwhile, there is hope straight through creativity for Alzheimer's patients. It has been proven that the devastating effects of Alzheimer's on the brain can be lessened and, to a degree, circumvented straight through arts and creative activities presented in programs, both participatory and more passive (such as visiting museums, drawing, painting and listening to music), can offer a higher quality of life for patients. Improved communication, reasoning skills and memory has been demonstrated in patients that are in a schedule of visiting art museums and viewing paintings and sculpture. Connecting with art, physically and mentally, to date is seen to bring an improved quality of life to Alzheimer's patients straight through the factors of what therapists call "sense memory" and "body memory."

Art and creative activities stimulate the brains of Alzheimer's patients, even those that have vital brain loss and are dysfunctional as far as maintaining collective relationships, relating to reality, communicating, and taking care of themselves. Art and creative activities describe to the part of the brain that is the last to be effected in Alzheimer's patients and this is why creativity offers hope. Visits to museums and drawing and painting in art classes, increase "sense memory" and "body memory" which increase awareness of self, re-connecting recollections of the past for many Alzheimer's patients. Patients that have previously plied their creative skills are re-stimulated and often begin creating again. Patients that have never painted or drawn can yield artwork that expresses their feelings and often describe private talents.

The always in vogue Advantage

Because of the loss of short-term memory, many Alzheimer's patients are unable to understand or enjoy a movie or a book because they are incapable of remembering the beginning. But a painting is always there, a rich visual stimulating taste with no beginning and no end to remember. And creativity as a visual taste can be a "timeless" act, as well. Many patients that have diminished reasoning function and have come to be non-interactive straight through the onslaught of the disease have exhibited improved communication and interaction straight through creative activities or straight through the visual stimulation presented by visits to art museums and galleries.

In the future, the need for more creative and visual offerings in communities, urban settings, nursing homes and in-home elder care facilities will increase. Programs, like the Artful Life Program, that offer a broad range of creative activities for the 50+ population, and older independent care people, cut the risk of the onset of Alzheimer's disease..

Other Solutions

Training in art therapy gives caregivers insights into how Alzheimer's affects the brain neurologically and how to more specifically address the needs of their patients.

Art therapies, however, may not work for every patient. Someone else area doctors are investigating is educating expert caregivers about patients' personal histories as a way of using that information as a guideline for specific therapies that can work on the patient's private intellectual, emotional and aesthetic resources. Advising the aging population to make their own personal videos, talking about themselves and their lives, will give the caregivers in their future, an understanding of their patient's strengths and interests, using those traits towards specifically directed therapies and interactive communications.

What else can help stave off the terrible effects of Alzheimer's? It has been determined that intellectual and collective stimulation helps to build a "cognitive reserve," a kind of reasoning fortress against the soldiery of aging and dementia. As population come to be less active in middle age, an increased risk of Alzheimer's develops straight through inactivity. Understandably, a healthier heart makes for a healthier brain. Therefore, it follows that heart-healthy foods are also brain-healthy foods.

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