Brain Cancer - 7 Questions on Glioblastoma Multiforme

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What are glia cells?

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How is Brain Cancer - 7 Questions on Glioblastoma Multiforme

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Glia cells hold together the neurons in the brain. The glia characterize with the neurons to trigger the neurons to function. One way to think of glia is that they are a network of cells throughout the brain. The glia are also described as the glue that holds the neurons in place.

What happens to the glia when they come to be malignant?

When the cells of a glia multiply, a malignancy is forming. Initially there will not be any symptoms. Unfortunately the cancer of the glia is very aggressive, that is, develops quickly. By the time symptoms are noticed a tumor is growing.

What is gliblastoma multiforme?

Gbm, as glioblastoma multiforme is called, is the deadliest, most aggressive form of brain malignancy. Gbm can form in any place in the brain, and is the top grade of cancer, a grade 4. There is no cure. There are 500,000 cases a year in the U.S.

What are Gbm symptoms?

The symptoms are directly connected to where the tumor is settled in the brain. Brain malignancy is difficult to diagnose because for every group of symptoms there are multiple potential diagnoses. For instance, when my husband began searching for words, we conception he was experiencing "senior moments." Yet, he swiftly progressed to no longer knowing the names for objects. Then he could no longer spell or read. These symptoms progressed over four weeks.

How is glioblastoma multiforme (Gbm) diagnosed?

When brain involvement is expected, the Mri is performed. The Mri will show up the tumor, where it is located, its shape, and it its size. From a biopsy, tissue samples are sent to prognosis where the tumor is diagnosed.

What is the medicine appropriate for glioblastoma (Gbm)?

The first line of defense is surgical removal, called a resection. Not all Gbms are operable. If the malignancy is settled at the brain stem or in any place else where resection would cause more harm than improvement, then surgery is not an option. The next line of defense is radiation therapy, five days a week, for four to seven weeks, along with chemotherapy. When the radiation is completed, then there will be a maintenance protocol of continued chemotherapy for any months.

What is the prognosis for this type of cancer?

Poor, glioblastoma multiforme is incurable. Other Gbm tumors will form, and other surgeries may be performed. Aggressive radiation and chemotherapy will be offered. Life expectancy is in any place from few weeks to a couple of years.

The most aggressive and deadliest form of brain cancer is glioblastoma multiforme. This is the type of cancer that Ted Kennedy had. There is no cure for this cancer. medicine options may comprise surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

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