Spirituality and Nursing

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Do you know about - Spirituality and Nursing

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Spirituality as part of nursing care has been infrequent and underutilized in the past. Today we have a challenge to embrace a holistic view of life and self to concentrate spiritual care into nursing practice. Nurses are in the best position to deliver the aspect of spirituality in nursing care, particularly when caring for the sick person with mental, medical and final illness.

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How is Spirituality and Nursing

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Spiritual issues are raised in disbelief and anger, the nurse helps the sick person with their spiritual journey, searching for meaning and developing a deeper meaning in faith, hope and love. The nurse assists the sick person as a whole being, using holistic nursing. It should all the time be respectful and non-biased. It is about listening, identity, being respected and valued.

Religion involves rituals practices and experiences. It involves a crusade for a higher being. It is connected with a religious affiliation and religious commitment. Religion may or may not be a part of their spirituality. Spirituality does not wish any religious beliefs, but their exists an affiliation with God or whatever God is perceived to be by that person.

What does spirituality mean to me? Being a spiritual and religious someone I believe it is an prominent part of holistic nursing. Without spirituality it would be hard for the mind and body to heal. It is essential for total nursing care especially with the dying sick person and the mentally distressed patients. Without spirituality in my life, it would be an empty and lonely life. Without God in my life it would be hard to feel daily life problems.

Nursing care should be focused on corporal and psychological needs as well as spiritual. Nurses must also collate patients' strengths and coping styles, as it helps with assessing spirituality. Listening, silence and touch are prominent aspects of spirituality. Touch can demonstrate caring, sense of worth and relieves stress. Being present at a religious ritual such as anointing of the sick can be prominent to the dying patient. Other ways of introducing spirituality and health can be undertaken through encouragement of journalling, meditation, scripture reading, prayer, music, art therapy, guided imagery and aromatherapy.

I have the occasion to work with both psychiatric and hospice patients. Both can be very consuming especially when the patients are in spiritual distress or religiously delusional. I have worked in psychiatry for the past ten years and found that spirituality can be nothing else but ignored. Spiritual estimation is part of sick person estimation because it can influence the care and medicine of the patient. Asking the sick person what their religious affiliation is no longer tabooed. It is encouraged that spirituality be part of their medicine , especially if they are in spiritual distress.

Working as a hospice nurse has its great bonus which is providing ease and hope to patients who are dying. Being able to sit with the patient, holding their hands, saying a prayer or rosary is an prominent aspect of spiritual care. Being a source of vigor and hope for the sick person and family is rewarding. Spiritual reserve provides meaning of hope, love and satisfaction in their final days. Reconciliation is also part of spiritual care. Being able to help with these unfulfilled expectations or omissions can be fulfilling. Assuring the sick person that they will not die alone and guiding them to the light.

Spirituality provides a means for assistance providers to empower and encourage patients to engage in their medical process. Spirituality is incorporated with holistic care and is essential to the holistic care of any patient. We as nurses become a source of spiritual hope for all our patients.

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