The Artful Life schedule

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Western Reserve Area On Aging! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Why Creative Retirement?
Many 55+ population will be retiring in the next decade and they will be development choices to keep vital and young by learning new skills and exercising their minds as well as their bodies. There is a growing need to address the well being of this aging population. Programs, curriculums, withhold groups and society centers can help fulfill this need by informing, invigorating and strengthening creative skills and plying the use of the "whole brain."

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How is The Artful Life schedule

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Who Are These Retirees?
From the "Retirement Source Book" written by Mary Helen and Shuford Smith, comes this timely statement: (It is) "important to refresh your mind and body, do things you enjoy, form new interest and become complicated with things you like. Take benefit of this time in your life. Retire To something! Here are some activities grouped by concepts: Rest and relaxation, self-expression, collective activity, continued learning, reasoning activity, contemplation, corporeal action and travel."

The New Horizons for learning is a Seattle-based society which studies and researches educational revision initiatives for all ages. From its website comes this statement, "As our population ages, it is captivating to note that many population who would in the past have been considered "old" do not feel or behave in that way. Many continue to take courses at universities, society college, and society centers. Many are becoming known of ways to keep mentally, emotionally and physically healthy and young

Retirement Demographics
Retirement is a multi-million dollar business. In the year 2000, there were 600 million population aged 60 and over. There will be 1.2 billion by 2025 and 2 billion by 2050. Today, about two thirds of all older population live in the developing world. By 2025 it will be 75%. In the industrialized world, the very old (age 80+) is the fastest growing population group. Over seven thousand Americans will turn sixty each day in 2006 (about three hundred and thirty an hour). It is a fact that sixty-eight percent of retirees go back to work, either because they want to or they have to because of money or condition insurance needs

The Golden Years?
Gated society advertisements portray the relinquishment dream: a luxurious paradise inhabited by happy couples playing golf or tennis, adjourning to an exclusive on site club, of relaxing in a spacious hot tub in a faux European villa. And this foresight works, to a point. But it is a cosmetic foresight that does not address the exact needs of many retirees. Although the leisurely trappings are there, it may take time for a retiree to decree into retirement. Many, especially those who have worked at a job all for a good part of their life, will find it difficult to accept recreation as their new lifestyle.

So what is foremost to think in relinquishment years? Many retirees begin to feel restless after a few months in the relinquishment abode of their dreams. Why? More than likely, they are out of touch with themselves. After years of having face military dictate their lives: jobs and raising a family, they are, confronted by large periods of leisure time, required to turn inward and gawk themselves.

Know Thyself
Successful relinquishment is achieved when one becomes, straight through introspection, re-acquainted with dreams, desires and goals set, perhaps, in a younger time when the mind was in learn mode and life was simpler. There were, no doubt, obvious things, long forgotten that were motivational. Was it drawing? Painting? Planting a garden? Playing street games? building a house? Writing a book?

Giving and Enjoying
For many retirees, a mixture of volunteer or outreach involvement and creative activities such as painting, sculpture, dancing, tennis or golf produces an enriched, fulfilling retirement. The Internet is a breathtaking resource for local groups in many areas of these exact interests.

An Artful Life Program
Retirement for this aging population can be either mean resignation, recession and relinquishment from life, or it can be forward-thinking, up beat or optimistic. It is at this point that many begin to gawk their life in a new way, finding back at what they have accomplished and finding a new future in which they can finally do what they've all the time wanted to do. With the empty nest and relinquishment at hand, many will be freed from the demands of a work program and family, ready to pursue interests and endeavors that have been put off for decades. It is a fact that sixty-eight percent of retirees go back to work, either because they want to or they have to because of money or condition insurance needs. The Artful Life program can furnish an educative and satisfying alternative to those wanting to return to the old work schedule. However, for those required to do so, The Artful Life program can inform, invigorate and advance their lives, augmenting their working program with creativity and plying the use of the "whole brain."

How An Artful Life program Works
Marian Diamond, professor of anatomy and a foremost scholar on neuroanatomy, has done allembracing study on the effects of the environment on the brain. She says, "The brain is truly a breathtaking structure, and holding it healthy for our entire existence on this earth is a goal we can and should all aspire to." (Marian C. Diamond, "Successful Ageing of the healthy Brain," record presented at the argument of the American society on Aging and The National Council on the Aging, March 10, 2001, New Orleans, La. First Join Conference). She advocates, five anti-aging factors principal because of new scientific validation: Diet, Exercise, Challenge, Newness and Human Love.

According to James E. Zull, Professor of Biology and Director of the University center for Innovation in Teaching and schooling at Case Western withhold University, the brain physically changes when we learn and the biggest changes are caused by emotion. The chemicals of emotion, such as adrenalin, serotonin and dopamine modify the synapses and this is the very act of learning. Zull states that the arts trigger emotions, changing the brain of both the originator and the consumer of the created object. Custom also changes the synapses, he says. "We learn things we repeat the most. But we repeat the things that we care about. So we enjoy the arts and repeat them over and over. This intensity of effort and focus is healthy for learning. It also changes the brain." He concludes that creativity, based on decisions made by the creator, publish chemicals that make us feel rewarded for our creative efforts. " leisure and ownership are part and parcel of the neurochemistry of the arts."

Another perspective is submitted by Dee Dickinson, in an record for New Horizons in learning called "Learning straight through the Arts." "We cultivate a captivating and honest curiosity for the world. We begin to ask why." "The improvement of curiosity and wonder creates a personal and collective consciousness that is principal for living in our culturally diverse world. By setting students on a lifelong journey with the arts, we encourage ongoing, informed perception, appreciation and association with the population of the world."

Mental Training
In an article, "Optimizing Memory in the Adult Brain for Effectiveness in a Multitasking Society," Donalee Marcus writes, " Why then are the "baby boomers" (age 40+)-who are still actively engaged at work and in their communities, who identify the value of good nutrition and healthy lifestyle-crowding into classrooms to learn how to remember strings of numbers and never forget a face or name? More than uncomplicated vanity and the refusal to grow old, these high-functioning, high-energy participants identify the demands that our multitasking society of instant messages and global networks makes on them. Their refusal to be left behind and "put out to pasture" had lead to added studies on the effectiveness of training the adult brain to function great and remember more clearly." Marcus concludes that, "Mental training that employs visualization is crucial in developing the agility to use the facts we remember in effective ways. Because the modern world demands more of us, we should not decree for less that the optimal use of our brains."

Regarding the benefits of reflection, Charles D. Hayes, a lifelong learning advocate, author and publisher, writes, "We should expunge the word relinquishment from common parlance and replace it with R and R: reflection and reflexivity. Fantasize what a distinct perspective industrialized years would bring to society if, instead of saying we were finding send to retirement, we said we were eager to begin our years of reflection eager to sort the truth of our sense from society's fictions. Reflexivity is a turning back into one's sense to retake bearing and re-examine one's coordinates. If the autumn years begin at 50, real schooling begins in September."

Artful Life program Benefits
Planned for relinquishment communities and seniors, An Artful Life program can enrich the offerings to seniors in a variety of sites, locations, addressing the needs of a broad range of participants yet remaining an invigorating, captivating and satisfying sense in the lives of many.

The Need For An Artful Life Program
At present, there is no service that offers this creative container in any relinquishment communities, assisted living facilities or society colleges. Although art classes are offered, The Artful Life presents a much broader range of educative initiatives, together with large motor movement and breathing exercises at the starting of each class session, group projects captivating movement straight through drawing and painting with music, lectures on creative reasoning and qoute solving, visits to artists studios, learning the skills of critique, visits to museums and galleries and lectures on historical and modern art. The goal of The Artful Life program is that straight through learning and experiencing the full scope of the artful life, students will improve their physical, reasoning and spiritual capacities. And this leads to a healthier spirit and a longer life.

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