Dragon Year (2012-13) and The sway of the 5 Elements

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Elemental Dragons!

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How is Dragon Year (2012-13) and The sway of the 5 Elements

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Underpinning the 12 Year Animal Cycles of the Chinese Zodiac is a 10-Year Elemental Cycle of 5 Elements repeating sequentially in first Big Yang and then Small Yin Mode. Year Elements (Yang Water in Dragon Year 2012-13) modify Year Energies and Dragon individuals' natures as shown below.

Dragon Personality

Ambitious, enterprising and independent-natured, Dragons, enjoying challenges, are willing to take risks to accomplish their goals. Full of enthusiasm and passion, Dragons are also regularly colourful, charismatic figures who are captivating to others.

Dragons' self-sufficiency, however, can sometimes be interpreted as arrogance and conceit. Measurement to 'do their own thing' plus a clear degree of impatience, can make Dragons appear tactless, abrupt or even meddlesome to others.

This 12-Year Cycle's Year Animals and Year Elements:

2008 Yang Earth Rat; 2009 Yin Earth Ox; 2010 Yang Metal Tiger; 2011 Yin Metal Rabbit; 2012's Yang Water Dragon is followed by 2013's Yin Water Snake.

Infants Born during Dragon Year 2012-13 Will Be Water Babies so it's 'Ni Hao Hak Shui Lung'/Hello Black Water Dragon (their 1952-53 counterparts are Yin Water Dragons)! Earlier Dragon generations were influenced by different Year Elements whose characteristics follow:

The Five Elements' Attributes

Wood: green, growth and expansion, nurture, 'spirit' versatility;

Fire: red, heat, light, warmth, explosiveness, destruction;

Earth: yellow, supportive, interactive, balancing, wise, suffocating;

Metal white, strong, communicative, brilliant, intense. Dangerous, destructive (2010-11 Year Element);

Water blue/black, internal, emotional, understanding, sensitive, intrusive (2012-13 Year Element).

Earlier Dragon Generations-Elemental Categories:

Water Dragons 1952 and 2012:

Water calms their natural enthusiasm, production them sensitive, patient, intuitive and practical (elemental colours blue/black).

Metal Dragons 1940 and 2000:

Metal gives these strength and endurance. Metal Dragons make good leaders (elemental colours white/gold);

Earth Dragons 1928 and 1988:

Earth ensures these are firmly grounded. Earth Dragons are regularly sensible and self-controlled (elemental colour yellow/beige);

Fire Dragons 1916 and 1976:

Fired-up these can be Impatient, unpredictable and outgoing with a quick temper (elemental colours red and orange);

Wood Dragons 1904 and 1964 (and 2024): Wood makes these Dragons creative, versatile and gregarious (elemental colours green/brown);

'Lung' Lessons right From the Heart

What does all this mean for Dragons? Well, becoming 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 etc., in 2012-13, the Chinese believe one should spend time quietly meditating over the last 12 years and planning for the next 12-the exact opposite of the Western plan of wild birthdate celebrations- instead a quiet year spent focusing on self-review is indicated. Avoid/put-off digging trenches, construction foundations or laying drains i.e. Major undertakings such as captivating house (which would distract from this). I'm an Ox and did this in Ox Year 2009, seeing it a most beneficial experience.

Combining the 12 Animal and 5 Elemental Cycles gives 60 as a key figure. Yin Water Dragons (1952) reaching this eminent age in 2012-13 may find this exercise particularly rewarding. Our Year Animal/Element birth-combination repeats after 60 years (hence the importance!). Add in the Yin/Yang dimensions of these calculations and 120 appears as a outline to contemplate. This give us the 120 personality-types of Chinese Astrology, compared to the basic 12 of the West, as if the much older Chinese system prompted a later, less detailed imitation.

The Chinese believe living in harmony with nature and the universe enables healthy life-spans of a similar duration (pursuing Longevity has been an abiding Chinese interest for millennia). The 12 Animals and 5 Elements, plus their Yin/Yang attributions, rehearse these natural and universal forces. Hopefully this report will help some individuals understand and attune to such energies more effectively.

Dragon Years 2000-01 and 1988-89 Revisited

2012-13 is a Yang Water Dragon-Year. Old Dragon-Year/'Lung Nien' was Yin Metal Dragon-Year 2000, the Year of the Millenium. Some of you may remember the celebrations, awards, excitement and 'buzz' together with our Vibrant Visitor back then. Yang Metal Dragon Year 1988, however, contained the mid-air explosion of Pan Am Flight 103, the 'Lockerbie Bombing', repercussions of which are still evolving.

The Dragon symbolises virility and vivacity and more than 25% of the World's population live under its banner in China

Year Animal Analysis!

Myth or Man (or Woman)? related with the Chinese Emperor himself, the Dragon has always symbolised strength and dominance. A sticker of good fortune, beneficial 'Sheng Qi', Wealth, Power and Authority, the noble Eastern Dragon is regarded as auspicious-having strong links to heavenly activities in Asian Philosophy. The Western Monstrous variety springs from old superstition, hence its Gothic wings, smoke and flames.

My greatly esteemed teacher, Grandmaster Yap Leong ('Leong' is Cantonese for 'Lung'/Dragon) says China, the Great Dragon, is always active and full of surprises in Dragon Years. So watch out for these, they are regularly pleasant ones! The maxim runs:'The Dragon (China) changes shape quickly, taking those unprepared by surprise!' Anyway, the Chinese will be here in the U.K. For the Olympics.

Thus, Dragon Years are regularly vaporing visitors! Personally, it may seem like your good and bad traits are magnified. Issues may swing to-and-fro and so caution is required to avoid being carried-away by events' However, the Dragon, related with 'Spirit', is an auspicious Year for those Martial Artists and others 'attuned' to its energies. Idealism and flexibility may prove beneficial qualities over the period.

Water Wealth

Yang Water as the Year Element symbolises Wealth (consider Current Accounts, cash-flow,'flotation', liquidity) and also transportation (word-flow, stream of consciousness, rivers of words).'Big' Water representatives include: Oceans, Seas; the Yangtze River (aka the 'Chang Jiang' or 'Long River', the world's biggest) and Multi-national Communications Organisations could be classified under 'Big Water', so be prepared for developments in related fields.

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