Good Health - A Gift From God

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Two Men Who Made a Difference

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How is Good Health - A Gift From God

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God blesses society in general through the lives of specific men and women who toil for the welfare of everyone. This is evident in the field of medical research. Two men, Robert H. Keller, MD, and Herbert T. Nagasawa, PhD, stand out as individuals who have accomplished an incredible scientific breakthrough. Dr. Keller did much of the original research, and Dr. Nagasawa's expertise built upon the original research to foster understanding of Glutathione; what it is and what it does.

Glutathione: An Important Discovery

Most people are not yet aware of glutathione. Basically, it is a protein or tri-peptide found in every cell of the body. Glutathione has many functions and is essential for good health. Recent studies suggest that boosting glutathione levels can greatly enhance the body's immune system to fight off many diseases. In addition, numerous cosmetic companies use this substance in their products to prevent melanin. Glutathione has been described as the most powerful and beneficial antioxidant known to man.

Dr. Robert H. Keller: A Medical Research Pioneer

Dr. Keller died on June 5, 2009. During his career, he stated his greatest ambition was to improve quality of life for as many people as possible. Many of his patients battled life-threatening illnesses. Dr. Keller said they inspired him to develop the formula for MaxGXL. He stated, "It quickly became obvious, when I left academia and began my practice, that writing prescriptions wasn't the best way to help my patients." He also said, "I had to learn about nutrition. I discovered that virtually all the people I treated were deficient in antioxidants, so I began to research antioxidants in depth." His goal in life was to create a nutritional product that would raise the glutathione levels of the body. After 20 years of laboratory work and the development of about 20 supplement prototypes, he achieved the success that he had sought for so long. He said, "I am always the first guinea pig for anything I produce."

Few people knew this great doctor and scientist suffered from a very rare disease called amyloidosis during the last year of his life. It caused complete kidney failure and death. His death was a great loss felt around the world. He passed away, but his work with glutathione is a legacy that will continue. Many patients, thankful for this powerful antioxidant, feel that Dr. Robert Keller truly was a gift from God.

Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa: The Torch Is Passed

Today, work begun by Robert Keller is carried on by Dr. Herbert Nagasawa. He, too, could be called a gift from God for his work with glutathione. In 2004, he founded CellGevity, Inc. On June 28, 2009, Max International acquired CellGevity with the intention of enhancing Dr. Nagasawa's research.

Dr. Nagasawa has expertise in working with glutathione that is based on research done by Dr. Keller. Dr. Nagasawa is uniquely qualified to continue this important work. He is a leading authority on glutathione. He also has academic credentials that enable him to remain on the cutting edge of research. He received his BS degree in chemistry from Case-Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. He received his PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Minnesota and then spent two years as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in biochemistry at the same university.

Dr. Nagasawa is committed to the continued development of glutathione. His association with Max International insures the research and development of this breakthrough supplement will continue.

These two research pioneers can truly be called a gift from God.

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