Pulse Oximeter for University Research and Hospital Use

University Hospitals - Pulse Oximeter for University Research and Hospital Use.
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Do you know about - Pulse Oximeter for University Research and Hospital Use

University Hospitals! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Universities serve a very important function in our society. Not only are they are place of learning but also many times universities have hospitals or health clinics that also offer many different types of health and medical services. The typical university hospital is very much similar to a standard private or public established hospital. They are just as equipped with not only the biomedical technology but also with the qualified health care professionals to provide the best health care to individual patients. One medical device that has started to become quite useful in the university setting is the pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that measures pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation with accuracy and speed. Blood oxygen saturation refers to what professionals better know as SpO2. SpO2 is the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin or the blood. This number is very significant to those individuals who have varying health conditions that require careful and close monitoring of their SpO2 levels. The pulse oximeter is specifically made to utilize the latest in infrared technology in order to get the measurements of SpO2 for not only health care professionals but also regular home consumers. Other functions that a pulse oximeter provides is perfusion index capabilities. Perfusion index is a special number that refers to the relative strength of a heart beat or pulse. Again, for different people with varying health conditions the monitoring of this perfusion index number is critical to healthy functioning.

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How is Pulse Oximeter for University Research and Hospital Use

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University settings have particularly utilized the portable pulse oximeter devices that have as of recent hit the medical device market. With the advent of new portable chip technology the old oximeter devices that were found in most hospitals and clinics has now been transformed into a portable medical device that is only a fraction of the size of a cell phone. What makes the ability of the pulse oximeter to be portable is the fact that it can be taken wherever the university health care individuals desire to go. For example, if there are on staff physicians who go from patient room to patient room in order to diagnose different patients, they can simply take the oximeter device with them and easily check the vital signs of patients. This is very beneficial to the physician because he doesn't need to worry about wires or the heaviness of previous generations of pulse oximeter devices. He can simply wear the pulse oximeter around his neck via a lanyard and utilize the device wherever he desires to go. The portable pulse oximeter has also garnered great admiration from medical university students due to not only the ease of use of the device but also the cost effectiveness. Due to the advent of the new chip technology the oximeter has not only decreased dramatically in size but it has also dropped significantly in price. This in turn allows many university student who particularly would not be able to afford such a device to have access to this powerful vital sign monitoring device.

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