The Menopausal Survival Guide

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According to one of the important American experts on menopause, Dr. Karen Deighan "a clear attitude and a small preparation" can make a huge divergence in the way women touch menopause. Targeting menopausal symptoms before they occur is critical to getting through this stage of life.

"Menopause is not a disease. It is a general event; a duct from one stage of life to another."

Menopause is in many cases the time when women enter "the most efficient and lucrative stages" of their career, fulfilling their pro aspirations. It is also the time when many children leave home - giving women the opportunity and time to focus on themselves. According to Menopause Signs, "Menopause can be a time of unprecedented self-confidence, freedom and financial liberation for women."

Also, a modern American study found that stress, a lower wage and attitudes toward aging had a critical effect on the way women experienced menopausal symptoms. Having a clear outlook on life changes the way women go through menopause.

Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg, of Case Western retain University in Ohio, reveals that life expectancy for western women is more than 82 years of age, which means that a third of a woman's life can take place after menopause. She reminds women, "Menopause is not a disease. It is a general event; a duct from one stage of life to another."

Avoiding menopausal weight gain

Women often struggle to utter their weight as they grow older.

It is estimated that up to 90% of menopausal women touch some type of weight gain in the duration important up to menopause (perimenopause) as well as during menopause.

Hormonal imbalances in compound with genetic factors, stress and the loss of muscle tissue connected with aging may leave women with a few extra inches on their waistline. Also, menopausal women, especially those experiencing debilitating symptoms, are often times less likely to exercise. In increasing to this, "women touch a metabolic slowdown of about 10-15 percent at midlife compared to earlier in life, manufacture our bodies more efficient at taking in and storing fat," According to Christiane Northrup, M.D., internationally known author and speaker with an empowering advent to women's health and wellness.

The weight acquired during menopause no longer distributes itself equally, tending to resolve instead in the belly area. Many women slowly gain 5 to 15 pounds during menopause and unless they adapt their diet, the weight gain may be even more prominent.

As women grow older, they can expect a turn in their bodies. Although a small weight gain can be improbable (and may even ease clear menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes) inordinate weight gain is problematic as it can lead to high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, growth the risk of type 2 diabetes, and even clear types of cancer. If you are carrying many extra kilos, your menopausal symptoms may also be worse as a result.
According to the Mayo Clinic: "Gaining as small as 4.4 pounds at age 50 or later could growth the risk of breast cancer by 30 percent."

To avoid or combat this weight gain, it is important to growth the whole of rehearsal and to be consistent in one's rehearsal regime. Crash diets should be avoided at all costs during menopause as they wreak havoc on the metabolism. Women should rather take steps to alter their lifestyle and heighten their health. Avoiding refined sugars and opting instead for a rich and varied lower-calorie diet is very important. However, losing too much weight can also be dangerous as it may lead to a greater risk for osteoporosis.

Eating right

A nutritious diet in compound with abundance of rehearsal leads to good corporeal and mental health during menopause. Study has shown that women in their 50's need almost 200 fewer calories than women 10 or 20 years younger just to utter their weight, let alone to drop a few pounds. This means women will need to turn their eating habits as they will most likely not be able to eat like they used to. Controlling which foods you intake and the part sizes, rather than calories is the most efficient route. Also, do not skip meals, as this will only lead you to overeat later. It is recommend that menopausal women eat three meals a day, rather than skipping morning meal or lunch as the food eaten later in the day is more likely to be stored as fat due to the slowing down of the metabolism. Personal educator Kristin McGee, a personal educator who works with menopausal women in their 50's and 60's, suggests following the easy rule: "Eat like a queen in the morning, a princess at lunch, and a pauper at dinner!"

Menopausal women should enjoy a diet consisting of abundance of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, seeds, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products - all in small portions. "Be a grazer, not a gorger!" MedicineNet suggests.

• Whole grains

In increasing to abundance of exercise, it is recommended that menopausal women eat whole grain foods, which can sacrifice constipation, as well as sacrifice the risk of coronary heart disease.

Whole grains consist of rye and wholemeal bread, wheat cereal and oats, brown rice or wholegrain pasta, which are rich in nutrients, fibre, vitamin B, minerals and selenium. Whole grains are beloved to white rice, white bread, potatoes and pasta, which are calorie-rich but nutritionally empty.

The United States department of Agriculture suggests "It's important to substitute the whole-grain stock for the refined one, rather than adding the whole grain product." Women should look at the food label to ensure that the stock names "one of the following whole-grain ingredients first on the label's ingredient list: 'brown rice,' 'bulgur,' 'graham flour,' 'oatmeal,' 'whole-grain corn,' 'whole oats,' 'whole rye,' 'whole wheat,' 'wild rice.'" However, Dr Christiane Northrup warns that even women who "have eliminated refined grains [...] may still have problems with whole wheat, whole rye, whole oat, or millet flour" due to a high carbohydrate sensitivity.

• The 'good fats'

Substituting clear types of fats and oils for others can make a huge divergence to how you feel, as well as reducing cholesterol levels and improving heart health and slowing the hardening of the arteries. Dr Christiane Northrup saw her female patients "complain of sallow skin, fragile hair and nails, susceptibility to infection, inability to concentrate, and weight gain despite their rigid diets. None of these women were getting adequate wholesome fat."

It is recommend that women limit their intake of saturated fats, which are known to raise blood cholesterol and growth the risk of heart disease. Saturated fatty acids consist of butter, whole milk and cream, eggs, chocolate and red meat. The Usda suggests a small consumption of these foods. Trans fats, contained in fried foods, crackers, cookies and snack foods also growth Ldl cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are beloved to saturated fats as they may lower cholesterol levels and lower the risk of coronary heart disease. Foods with a high article of these fats consist of avocados, nuts, olive oil and canola oils.

Omega-3 fats have been connected to reducing the severity of menopausal symptoms, especially psychological stress, mood swings and depression.

Omega-3 fatty acids could sacrifice the 'psychological distress' and depression connected with menopause.

Although more Study is necessary, a Canadian study recently found that omega-3 fats had a clear effect on women's mental state. Omega-3 fats are contained in fish, together with salmon, halibut, cod, catfish, trout, sardines, and herring, as well as in krill, shrimp and clams, green-lipped mussel, raspberries, flaxseed, walnuts, pecan nuts and hazelnuts.

• Fruits and vegetables

Menopausal women benefit from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as they are plainly low in fat and consist of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Fruits such as plums, strawberries, apples, pears, grapefruit and raspberries consist of boron, a mineral that seems to growth estrogen levels in middle-aged women. Some fruits and vegetables also consist of phytoestrogens, a plant form of estrogen, which may "potentially diminish some of the discomforts caused by lower estrogen levels during menopause," According to treatment Net. More Study is needed to confirm these clear effects.

Dr Christiane Northrup suggests women select fruits and vegetables that are rich in colour as "the deep pigments in these foods consist of grand antioxidants. Go for broccoli, green leafy vegetables, berries, red, yellow and green peppers, and tomatoes, and vary your choices through the seasons, " she suggests. "Antioxidants combat cellular damage from free radicals, which are known to be a cause of continuing conditions such as heart disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, and cancer," she confirms.

Substituting high-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables can also be part of a thriving weight loss strategy.

• Protein foods

Lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, peas, eggs, nuts and seeds are all high in protein and should be an integral part of a menopausal women's diet, eaten at almost every meal. Women should select the leanest cuts of beef (and at least 90% lean ground beef), pork and skinless chicken and turkey. Some organ meats such as liver are fairly high in cholesterol, as are egg yolks. Processed meats may have a higher sodium content.

Beans, peas, lentils, soy, carob and nuts are all legumes, known as sources of plant protein, as well as nutrients like iron and zinc and dietary fibre. Beans are an exquisite option for menopausal women as they are a low-fat source of protein and they consist of fibre and many vitamins and minerals. They also keep women feeling fuller for longer and consist of plant-based estrogens, phytoestrogens.

Soy has been praised for its role in lowering the risks of heart disease and its clear effects on bone health. modern studies have shown that the phytoestrogens contained in soy products such as soy milk, tofu or soy nuts may also ease problematic menopausal symptoms, especially hot flushes. According to HealthCastle Nutrition:

"In Japan, where soy foods are generally consumed daily, women are only one-third as likely to narrative menopausal symptoms as in the United States or Canada. In fact, there is no word in the Japanese language for 'hot flashes.'"

"Soy products have been taken by women and promoted for relief of menopausal symptoms," According to Australian women's health devotee Dr Jane Elliott. The results obtained from Study studies are small but "new Study currently being undertaken is looking at a compound derived from soy," she confirms.

Nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds, almonds and hazelnuts consist of vitamin E, which women have also reported as helpful for clear menopausal symptoms, together with hot flashes. Flaxseed, which contains both omega-3 fatty acids and lignans, has also shown promising results in treating menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. According to dietician Jane Reinhardt-Martin, "Cross-cultural Study shows that women whose traditional diet features a high intake of soy and flax have, on average, a milder menopausal experience."

• Dairy products

A menopausal woman's dairy intake should be composed of generally low-fat sources. The Usda warns that cheese, cream and butter do not retain their calcium article but dairy products, as well as dark leafy greens are good sources of calcium. A range of calcium-fortified juice and soy beverages are also available. According to Menopause Matters, "During menopause an adequate daily calcium intake is especially important to help safe and utter bone density as bone loss accelerates."

•Which foods to avoid

During menopause, it is best to limit or avoid processed foods, canned soups, salted nuts, margarine, processed baked goods or ketchup, as well as high-sugar foods. High-sugar foods consist of soft drinks, syrups, jams, sweetened coffee beverages, cookies, cakes, pies, pastries, icy desserts, ice-cream and sweet yogurts and should mostly be avoided. Menopausal women are at a stage in their lives where they must be more conscientious about calorie intake than ever in order to prevent weight gain.

Drinking right

Menopausal women should be drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. In increasing to holding you hydrated, drinking more water can sacrifice food cravings. Menopausal women can enjoy diluted fruit juices, vegetable juices, herbal teas, low fat milk and mineral water but it is best to avoid sweet sugary drinks.e

•Drinking tea

Green tea contains strong antioxidants and has anti-cancer properties. Similar claims have also been made about black tea. Although more Study is still necessary, studies have shown that some cups of green tea a day could be efficient in relieving hot flashes and sleep disturbance for menopausal women.

•Drinking coffee

Menopausal women should limit their intake of caffeine, which may heighten their hot flushes and stabilize sleeping patterns. It has been recommend that a high caffeine intake during menopause may trigger night sweats.

•Reducing alcohol

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation amongst women undergoing menopause. Alcohol, as well as spicy foods, has been labeled as of the triggers of hot flushes. "Research indicates that menopausal women who drink excessively are at much higher risk for the common types of cancer, especially post-menopausal breast cancer, GynOb reports.

"One serving of alcohol can growth the risk of cancer by 7%. However, three servings of alcohol per day increases the risk by 51%."

Exercise and Fitness

•Staying active

Staying active is one of the most important aspects of getting through menopause. Dr Jane Elliot stresses the significance of "a wholesome lifestyle, together with exercise" for menopausal women.

Research has shown that women who undertake quarterly corporeal rehearsal enjoy good health than women who are sedentary.

•The benefits of exercise

There are numerous benefits to rehearsal during menopause: quarterly rehearsal can help women lose weight or prevent menopausal weight gain, strengthen bones and sacrifice the risk of breast cancer. In increasing to this, rehearsal improves the function of the immune system, decreases the risk of heart disease, improves moods, may have a clear effect on depression or anxiety, regulates sleep patterns, increases self-esteem, boosts the metabolism and results in more power and a good outlook on life.

•How much rehearsal is enough?

According to the Mayo Clinic, wholesome menopausal women should undertake "at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic performance or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic performance a week" as well as "strength training exercises at least twice a week." Dr Jane Elliott suggests that women do more: "At least 30 mins of rehearsal a day. The best rehearsal is the one you will keep doing regularly." Her guidance is selecting an performance you enjoy. "So if you hate the gym, don't go there. For many women 30 mins brisk walk daily is a very good start."

Exercising with a friend can be a great way to keep up your fitness regime. It's fun!

•Which types of exercise

According to personal educator Kristin McGee, it's important to work the core muscles with exercises such as the plank, especially since fat tends to resolve in the belly area. McGee also suggests mixing up the types of exercises you do, such as yoga and swimming. The Women's Menopause health town suggests enjoying other calorie-burning day-to-day activities such as mowing your lawn, taking dance classes, or playing catch with your children or grandchildren.

A wholesome lifestyle is the key to overcoming the obstacles that may arise during the menopausal transition. A modern American study explored "how and why midlife women think about health in general" and the varied influences which conduce to a wholesome lifestyle during menopause. It found that a majority of the menopausal women connected guilt with not manufacture adequate effort on wholesome lifestyle choices such as their rehearsal and diet regime. It's never too late to start!

The information published in the Menopause Survival Guide is based on wide ranging Study into the condition, however, our sources and the resulting article is only intended as a guide. Each woman needs to compare the ready information and speak with a pro health practitioner before applying any of this article or starting any rehearsal or diet program.

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